8 Figure Info Product: Lead Gen first? Or straight to sale?

Spoiler: How she uses a $4 front end to sell a $997 back end

"Should I go for the straight sale?”

…Or should I grab the lead first - and then try to sell via email?"

Many info product marketers struggle with this question.

Case in point is an 8-figure personal development info product funnel we broke down just yesterday inside the Funnel of the Week Members Area:

(One of our Funnel of the Week Members requested we break down this specific funnel so we dove into it and bought it, twice... Documenting every step)

Back in November?

All the offer's ads were pointed at a free lead magnet landing page.

The funnel was:

Lead capture -> $4 ebook -> $997 course

But starting 2 months ago?

They started to test this: cut out the lead capture and going straight to sale.

The results?

This is the only lead gen running for an 8-figure info product business… Safe to say this funnel is doing something right.

(Although there are some significant "levers" this funnel could still pull to increase conversions, imo...)

Want to see how they are doing it?

Go here to check out the funnel breakdown inside the Funnel of the Week Members Area.

Have a great weekend!

The Funnel of the Week Team

PS - in case you’re wondering, what Funnel of the Week is all about…

More on What’s Inside Funnel of the Week Members Area

Funnel of the Week has been live just one month now, and if you haven’t logged in for a bit, here’s what you’ve been missing:

We continue to stack full funnel breakdowns each and every week inside the Members Area:

We’ve got: 

  • ecomm funnels

  • VSL funnels

  • Info Products funnels

  • (and more)

…And we add a new funnel breakdown & swipes each week.

So if you have a funnel you want us to break down?

(Including all the landing pages, order bumps, upsells, downsells, email/sms followup & more…)

Just let us know and we’ll add it to our Funnel of the Week “next up” list. 

We’ll go through the funnel, document all the funnel steps, email/sms followups, etc. as we become a real customer (we don’t ask for refunds), and document the whole process so you have it at your fingertips.

If you’re not yet inside the Members Area? Go here to learn more about Funnel of the Week & get access.

The big idea of Funnel of the Week is this:

We break down a new DTC funnel (including ads, front end offer, upsells, post-purchase emails/sms/etc.), each and every week.

Here’s a quick Google doc walking through what we at Funnel of the Week has got in store for you, each and every week:

Check it out. We’re doing a special “early bird” price for access for a limited time.

And if you want great funnel insights delivered to your email inbox, multiple times per week? Go here to sign up for our Funnel of the Week email newsletter (it’s free) funneloftheweek.com

That’s all for today.

Have a great week!

The Funnel of the Week Team

PS: Not yet subscribed to our free Funnel of the Week newsletter? Join now for exclusive insights: https://funneloftheweek.com

PPS: What insights do YOU want in our funnel breakdowns? Hit reply and share your thoughts

PPPS: Got a funnel you think we should break down? We’d love to hear your suggestions!